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Hi, I’m Lisa.

I’m a highly driven, playful, and passionate woman who loves Jesus, but isn’t afraid to stand my ground or stand up for the things I believe in. My calling and mission in life are to empower others to become who they were made to be and pursue the purpose God has for them.

I spent years trapped in the standard American lifestyle – always busy, but never making any real progress. That is, until I discovered what it truly meant to live a high-performance life.

I’m passionate about growing, equipping myself with knowledge, and taking consistent action to push beyond my limits and apply the things I’ve learned. It has transformed my thinking and way of life, and it has inspired and transformed the lives of people around me.

I learned that you can go through the motions of life all you want, but if you aren’t actively working on becoming your best, then you’re not giving your best to the people and situations around you — and that’s the real shame.

Because we all have incredible gifts, talents, and aspirations that were placed in our hearts for a reason. It’s the process of uncovering those gifts, pursuing those talents, and striving toward those aspirations that help us feel truly alive and on a mission toward achieving our purpose.

I was put on this Earth for a reason, and I intend to honor God with the time and talents I have been given. I owe it to my husband, my children, and the people around me, to live life to the fullest and give it everything I have. So, that’s exactly what I’m going to do— and I’d love to help you do the same.

Interested in working together?

Find out more about my coaching services by clicking on the button below.

You Were Made For More

I believe God had a special purpose planned for your life before He even created you. He knew the exact time and moment in history that He wanted you here, and He knew how powerfully you would impact the world around you.

However, you also have an enemy that wants to destroy you, and he doesn’t have to kill you to stop you— he only needs to keep you from living the life that God has prepared for you.

So he tells you that the world is all about YOU and YOUR happiness. 

He steals your MIND and fills it with lies and distraction. He keeps you focused on the temporary things instead of the eternal… who’s dating who, what sports team is winning, and left-wing/ right-wing propaganda (never stopping to realize that both wings belong to the same bird).

He steals your TIME because he knows your days are numbered, and every day you spend living distracted is one less day of you living your purpose and the plan God has for you.

He steals your HEALTH. He convinces you to trade short-term convenience for long-term consequences. He knows your health has a direct effect on your mind and emotions and an unhealthy, overweight, and stressed-out person is easy to control.

He steals your RELATIONSHIPS. He tricks you into believing that love is a feeling rather than an action and he entices you to pursue your own happiness instead of prioritizing the needs of others.

You were made for a powerful purpose, not a busy and distracted life. You feel it in your soul. You know you were meant for more.

It’s time to stand your ground, take control, and start living the life that God has prepared for you.